
How to Be a Better Blackjack Dealer

Blackjack is a game of skill, strategy and etiquette. It’s a card game between the player and the dealer, and players try to beat the dealer without going over 21. A casino blackjack dealer needs to be able to interact with players, set the right tone for the table and deal with difficult situations. The following tips will help you be a better blackjack dealer:

Know the rules. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the rules of blackjack before you start playing. This will ensure you understand the finer points of the game, so you can make smart decisions and play well. It’s also a good idea to practice at home before you start working in a live casino.

Learn the etiquette of blackjack. When playing at a real blackjack table, it’s important to follow the proper etiquette. This includes not leaving cash bets on the table, letting the dealer know when they have a winning hand and putting their money away quickly. It’s also important to pay attention to the dealers and not distract them.

Avoid side bets. Side bets can add up to a large percentage of your total wager. While some of these bets are legitimate, they can take your mind off the game and lead to poor decision making. In addition, many side bets are designed to rip off the player. They are often offered by less reputable casinos, and they aren’t worth your time or money.

Splitting and double downing are standard blackjack strategies. When you are dealt two of the same cards, such as two aces or two face cards, you can split them to create separate hands. You can then play each hand independently of the other. Alternatively, you can double down on your initial bet amount by increasing it by one. This will only allow you to receive one additional card.

Stand on 16 against the dealer’s up-card. Many players mistakenly believe that they should hit when their hand value is 16, but it’s a bad move. The dealer will make 17 or higher nearly 80 percent of the time, so you’ll lose most of your bets if you hit.

Some casino owners have reduced the payout on blackjack to 6 to 5. While this is not a big change, it does increase the house edge and makes the game more challenging for counters. You can find this rule listed on the felt and it’s a good idea to check with your local casino to see if they offer this option. In addition, some tables have a rule that prevents you from looking at your own cards if the dealer has them. This can be frustrating for some players. If this is the case, it’s important to find a table where you can look at your own cards.